Cadet Data Form


            Platoon: __________ Your NS Class Period(s):  __________       DRILL Class Per: _____
                                               A1, A2,A3,B1,B2,B3, STAFF)`                                                 (0, 1, 2,3,4 5, 6 OR 7)                                                        (0 or 7th)

Name:  ________________________________________________School ID#:____________
             (Last)                                 (First)                           (Middle)

Your School: (SAHS, CHS [cross enrolled])   Your NS Level:  I (sem 1 or 2) /  II (sem 3 or 4)
   III (sem 5 or 6) /  IV (sem 7 or 8)                    
Present school grade:   9  /  10  /  11 /  12                                  

Nickname:  __________________ Date of Birth:  _________________Age: ______
Sex:  M / F    Race:  Cauc., African Am., Native Am., Hispanic, Oriental, other _______________

Parent or legal guardian:  Mr./Mrs. ___________________________  relationship:___________ 
                                                          (Last)                 (First)                                      (mom, dad, etc)

Do you live with the person above:  Y  /   N       
if no…Person(s) you live with:  Mr./Mrs.   ________________ Relationship to you:___________
                                                                                                                                    (sister, uncle, etc.)
Spouse of the Person you live with:  ________________   relationship to you: _______________                                                                                                                                      (mom, dad, etc)
Your cell phone No.: ___________________ 

Your home Phone Number:  (         )           -__________listed/unlisted

Your work Phone Number: ______________________

Work phone number of Parent/Guardian: (        )       __ -            x_______

Your home address:  ______________________________________________________________
(Street Address)                      (City)                    (State)      (Zip)

Physical or Medical Limitations?   Y  /  N   If  “yes”  what:  _______________________________

For Returning cadets only:

Present rank:__________      Date Achieved/Awarded: ____________   

Present position/job in unit: ______________________________________

Awards/ribbons you have:         Date earned                                    Awards/ribbons you have earned but don’t have:

________________________________                       ________________________________ 

________________________________                       ________________________________ 

________________________________                       ________________________________    

________________________________                       ________________________________ 

________________________________                       ________________________________ 

________________________________                       ________________________________ 

________________________________                       ________________________________ 

________________________________                       ________________________________ 

________________________________                       ________________________________ 

________________________________                       ________________________________ 

________________________________                       ________________________________ 

________________________________                       ________________________________ 

continue on back if necessary…

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